Weapons + Additions
My Synopsis

Well if you are leaving the site to have a look at one of the other links, I hope you enjoyed the site if so go tell everyone you know lol. Only kidding, have a good one :0).


Here are some links to some good Legend of Dragoon sites, so if you want to get other sites opinions or can't find it on this web site try out some of these.

(Some of these web sites are friends sites so they may not be LoD orientated but still please do check them out)

Just click on one of the links below to view the web site.

This site has all the reviews you can think of for seriously fast road cars. (This is not an Legend of Dragoon site but its a friends site so please have a look).
This is a great site it has loads of information about Legend of Dragoon this is a must see site for all LoD fans.


Site Created and Designed by Kris Edney aka Azrae. Site content reserved for Legend of Dragoon Lair Copyright © 2003.